London Chinese Alliance Church
St. John the Baptist Greenhill Church
Victoria Hall, Sheepcote Road, Harrow, HA1 2JE, U.K
通訊 (mailing): 58 Trevelyan Crescent, Harrow, HA3 0RJ
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese): 10:00, 11:45 (哈羅 Harrow)
英文 (English) 11:00 (哈羅 Harrow )
普通話 (Mandarin) 14:00 (哈羅 Harrow )
電話 (phone): 44 (0)7515 734109, 44 (0)7598 465680
電郵 (email): info@london-cac.org.uk
網站 (web): www.london-cac.org.uk
中文同工 (contact): 趙偉榮牧師 (Rev. Keith CHIU)
英文同工(English): 朱溢峰牧師 (Rev. Brad CHU)
青少年t同工 (youth): 倪婉雯傳道 (Pastor Anne NGAI)
兒童同工 (children): 陳曉瑩傳道 (Pastor Candy CHAN)
The Grove Academy Primary School
Fourth Avenue, Watford, WD25 9RH, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese)11:15 星期六 (Saturday)
同工 (contact): 趙偉榮牧師 (Rev. Keith CHIU)
North London Alliance Church
Trinity Church
15 Nether Street, North Finchley, London, N12 7NN
通訊 (mailing): 45 Wakemans Hill Ave. London, NW9 0TA, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese) 10:45
電話 (phone): 44(0)7986 581009
電郵 (email): info@nlac.org.uk
網站 (web): www.nlac.org.uk
同工 (contact): 鍾偉權牧師 (Rev. Alexis CHUNG)
South London Alliance Church
Enhanceable, 13 Geneva Road, Kingston upon Thames,
KT1 2TW, U.K
通訊(mailing): 20 Benchfield, South Croydon,
Surrey, CR2 7HX, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese) 9:45, 11:30
普通話 (Mandarin) 14:00
電話 (phone): 44(0)2086 171433, 44(0)7734 484565
電郵 (email): info@slac.org.uk
網站 (web): www.slac.live/
同工 (contact): 岑偉農牧師 (Rev. Sam SHAM),
同工 (contact): 閻石傳道, 張濟明牧師
East London Alliance Church
Deptford Methodist Church
1 Creek Road, London SE8 3BT, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
普通話 (Mandarin) 14:00
粵語 (Cantonese)15:30
電話 (phone) : 44(0)7717 893113
電郵 (email): info_elac@ymail.com
網站 (web): https://infoelac.wixsite.com/elac
同工 (contact): 彭大明牧師 (Rev. Tai Ming PANG)
Cambridge Alliance Church
St James Church
Wulfstan Way, Cambridge, CB1 8QJ, U.K
通訊 (mailing): 111 King Street, Cambridge, CB1 1LD, UK
崇拜 (worship):
普通話 (Mandarin) 12:30
粵語 (Cantonese) 14:30
電話 (phone): 44(0)7919 523308
電郵 (email): contact@caccam.org.uk
網站 (web): caccam.org.uk/index_ft.html
同工 (contact): 鄺維新長老 (Elder Edward KWONG)
同工 (contact): 陳鳳仙牧師 (Rev. Rosa CHAN)
Cambridge Alliance Church - Bishop's Stortford
The Charis Centre, Water Lane,
Bishop's Stortford CM23 2JZ, U.K
通訊 (mailing): 111 King Street, Cambridge, CB1 1LD, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese) 11:30
電話 (phone): 44(0)7919 523308
電郵 (email): bishops_stortford@caccam.org.uk
網站 (web): https://www.facebook.com/cacbshk
同工 (contact): 鄺維新長老 (Elder Edward KWONG)
同工 (contact): 陳鳳仙牧師 (Rev. Rosa CHAN)
Blenheim Baptist Church
2A Blackman Lane, Leeds, LS2 9ER, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語( Cantonese): 13:45
普通話 (Mandarin): 15:45
電話 (phone): 44(0)7842 200756, 44(0)7907 499727
電郵 (email): admin@leedsallch.org.uk
網站 (web): www.leedsallch.org
同工 (contact): 黃永康牧師 (Rev. Andrew Wing Hong Wong)
同工 (contact): 黃邱詠詩傳道 (Pastor Wing Sze YAU)
Church of the Nazarene
Albion Street, Morley, LS27 9BX, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese): 14:30 星期六 (Saturday)
同工 (contact): 黃永康牧師 (Rev. Andrew Wing Hong Wong)
同工 (contact): 黃邱詠詩傳道 (Pastor Wing Sze YAU)
Manchester Alliance Church
Unit 9, The Quadrangle, Hulme Street,
Manchester, M1 5GL, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese): 9:30, 13:00, 17:30 主日(Sunday)
英文 (English): 11:45 主日(Sunday)
電話 (phone): 44(0)1612 368324, 44(0)7507 145310
網站 (web): www.manallch.org
主任同工 (contact): 趙偉初牧師 (Rev. Wai Chor CHIU)
輔導同工 (counseling): 李萍牧師 (Rev. Pandora LI)
青少年同工 (youth): 曹嘉宥傳道 (Pastor Benjamin CHO)
職青同工 (career): 陳欣然傳道 (Pastor Tobey CHAN)
義務同工 (volunteer): 蕭寅平傳道 (Pastor Paul SIU)
義務同工 (volunteer): 何志強傳道 (Pastor Chi Kin HO)
Manchester Alliance Church (Trafford)
Avenue Methodist Church
Wincham Road, Sale, M33 4P, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese): 10:30 星期六 (Saturday)
粵語 (Cantonese): 11:30 主日 (Sunday)
電話 (phone): 44(0)7516 184473
電郵: (email): Louis.Yeung@manallch.org
同工 (contact): 楊嘉駿牧師 (Rev. Louis YEUNG)
Manchester Alliance Church (Warrington)
Holy Trinity C of E Church
Market Gate, Sankey St, Warrington WA1 1XG, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese):10:00 星期六(Saturday)
粵語 (Cantonese): 14:00 主日(Sunday)
電話 (phone): 44(0)7825 992642
電郵 (email): Winson.Chan@manallch.org
同工(contact): 陳志鵬傳道 (Pastor Winson CHAN)
Manchester Alliance Church (Cheadle Hulme)
Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church
Ramillies Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, SK8 7A, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese): 13:30
電話 (phone): 44(0)7393044935
電郵 (email): Florence.Wong@manallch.org
網站 (web):
同工 (contact): 黃智敏牧師 (Rev. Florence WONG)
Manchester Alliance Mandarin Fellowship
Unit 9, The Quadrangle, Hulme Street,
Manchester M1 5GL, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
普通話 (Mandarin)10:30
電話 (phone): 44(0)7523 923715
電郵 (email): info@mamcuk.org
網站 (web): sites.google.com/site/mamfinfo
同工 (contact): 李德信傳道 (Pastor Tak LEE)
同工 (contact): 蘇嘉俊博士 (Dr Daniel SO)
Brighton Alliance Church
United Reformed Church
Saunders Park Rise, Brighton, BN2 4EU, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語/普通話(Cantonese/Mandarin) 13:30
電話 (phone): 44(0)7454 344307
網站 (web): www.facebook.com/brightonalliancechurch/
同工 (contact): 黃國輝傳道 (Pastor Philips WONG)
同工 (contact): 唐美寶宣教士 (Ms Mabel TONG)
St Barnabas Parish Church Hall
West St , Crewe, U.K
崇拜 (worship)
粵語 (Cantonese): 13:30
電話 (phone): 44(0)7493 874018
電郵 (email): crewe.alliance.church@cacuuk.org
網站 (web): facebook.com/crewealliance
同工 (contact): 洪偉信傳道(Pastor Wilson HUNG)
North Nottingham Alliance Church
Acacia Centre
Acacia Ave, Annesley Woodhouse, Kirkby in Ashfield, U.K
崇拜 (worship):
粵語 (Cantonese): 11:00
電話 (phone): 44(0)7473 131612
電郵 (email): nottingham.alliance.church@cacuuk.org
網站 (web): facebook.com/NNottAC
同工(contact): 胡雄光傳道 (Pastor Tommy WU)
Brooklands Community Sports Pavilion,
Countess Way, Brooklands, MK10 7HN, U.K
粵語 (Cantonese): 10:00
電話 (phone): 44(0)7455 720628
電郵 (email): info@mkac.net
網站 (web): https://mkac.net
同工(contact): 羅耀基牧師 (Rev Yiu Kee Nathaniel LAW)